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Sapper66634 karma

Why did you start stripping. Was it something you wanted to do for a while or was it an impulse that you had fun with at kept doing it.

Also I hear every now and then these strip clubs getting busted for prostitution or underage strippers. Dont the clubs try to prevent that sort of thing?

Sapper6667 karma

I'm going for my EMT cert and that is my biggest fear. I've been around death in Iraq and lost Marines but child fatalities, that scares the shit out of me. How do you cope with something like that?

Sapper6664 karma

Hey you geys are doing a great job but do you ever bring on EMTs or Paramedics? I'd be interested in helping if possible.

Sapper6664 karma

Marine here, Semper Fi Doc! One thing I have found is that my school has an SVA (Student Veterans Asc.) where vets come together and talk, we can even help provide contact info for qualified doctors who can help to. What state do you live in?

Sapper6663 karma

Yes we do a lot of stupid shit in our down time lol. We love our corpsman to. There is a program I don't know the name off the top of my head I'll get the info tomorrow but there is a like homes for humanity sorta thing for vets to join and help with construction and it's all combat vets. I know they have done it in Detroit, and I've heard Flint, idk where else but it's a nationwide group. If you ever need to talk though doc PM me okay brother