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SavingMesAynak16 karma

There is 5,000 years (at least) of history buried at Mes Aynak. I see no benefit in destroying it - that would be equivalent to erasing world history. MCC can mine in other ways (not open pit) and in other areas that would not destroy ruins. They are discovering amazing things at the site - some of the oldest manuscripts ever discovered.

SavingMesAynak14 karma

Good questions. The answer is yes. MCC can mine in other ways (not open pit) in other areas (not at the archaeological site) - but the Chinese company doesn't want to do that. Not yet anyway.

SavingMesAynak13 karma

The security situation was pretty bad in 2012/2013 but has improved since then. The site is badly mismanaged by the Ministry of Mines at the moment - Afghan archaeologists go without pay often. There is only a skeleton crew now excavating. They could use your help! I'm just not sure how you might get involved at the moment.

SavingMesAynak13 karma

Good comment. On legality I do think there are actual laws protecting world heritage. But I am acting on my own moral code - raising awareness about something that is wrong and terribly destructive to world heritage, human rights and to the environment.

SavingMesAynak13 karma

People in Afghanistan have been supportive of my efforts, but as a worn torn country there is a strong desire for economic hope. There has been a lot of misinformation about mining in Afghanistan.