Highest Rated Comments

SchrodingersHamster313 karma

Hi Stephen!

I remember you made a brief appearance in Hot Fuzz, and it occured to me that you, Simon Pegg and Nick Frost would have a fantastic on-screen dynamic. Would you be up for working with them more closely on another project in the future?

SchrodingersHamster20 karma

If you could have a crossover Family Guy episode with any other animated franchise, which would you choose and why?

SchrodingersHamster8 karma

Hi Lauren,

In your videos, you repeatedly state that rape culture can't exist due to our society's hatred towards rapists.

I feel like the majority of Redditors, myself included, have not been able to get a full understanding of your views on rape and societal attitudes towards rape from the few videos we've seen from the "SlutWalk".

1). What is your definition of rape culture?

2). With this in mind, where do you think followings like "The Lad Bible" or the showbiz collumns from news agencies like The Daily Mail, which have a heavy focus on women and the judgement of their appearance, fall on the spectrum of what is rape culture and what isn't?

SchrodingersHamster2 karma

Hello Mr Snowden,

How does the constant surveillance you are forced to avoid affect your daily life? What kind of tasks that we would consider easy are made more difficult by this predicament?

SchrodingersHamster2 karma

Hello Mr Attenborough!

How much actual training was required off-camera to prepare for the submarine dives?

And on that note, what was the most difficult task you undertook for a documentary training-wise?
