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SchrodingersHipster1235 karma

Hi there Dr. Tingle- Is there a PO box somewhere where people can send you fanmail / protective talismans against the void crabs?

SchrodingersHipster2 karma

How are you feeling credentialing journalists? We're seeing a large number of formerly independent publications and news stations which are now falling under single corporate entities, so I'm curious what the metric will be for who constitutes a journalist and who does not.

SchrodingersHipster1 karma

The thing I love about Archer is that the asshole's got layers. Has anything about him surprised you when you read what was coming up, and if so, what was it?

SchrodingersHipster1 karma

When is it over?

SchrodingersHipster1 karma

What does it take for someone to get fired from such a facility? I once had a customer who worked in a psych facility, and he proudly claimed that he was "Nurse Ratched."