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SchroedingersSphere1774 karma

The only question I have is my sexuality whenever you're on TV.

SchroedingersSphere9 karma

Grew up in Vernon. A lot of us ended up working at Action PArk/Mountain Creek in High school. There were certainly adults there, but you could tell how inexperienced most people were. I applied as a lifeguard one summer, went through the training, and immediately said, "This is not for me. Someone's going to die on my watch" and never ended up working a shift there myself.

SchroedingersSphere4 karma

This isn't a mental health issue, but lets suppose it was. Are you saying our troops don't deserve mental healthcare?

SchroedingersSphere2 karma

What's your favorite cereal?

SchroedingersSphere2 karma

H2 Oh No I believe