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Scratch_my_itch3 karma

Don't know if it is true, but I read somewhere, that when she first started, she was very nice, polite, very lawyerly (she's a lawyer). But she learned that taking an extreme position sells better, and she's made a lot of money from books and appearances.

This has been proved in many areas - the more extreme you go, the more attention, notoriety, and money one attracts. Not just politics.

Scratch_my_itch1 karma

Does the starboard side of the quarterdeck available only to the captain?

Who is the person who is in charge of the "cat" in order to mete out punishment?

Scratch_my_itch1 karma

I thought I was bad at math. Then, one day, I decided that there were people that I knew from my math class that were not that much smarter than me, and some that I knew were ... not the sharpest tool in the toolbox. I acquired a book on trigonometry, because that was the math class that stumped me in high school, and decided not to do anything except trigonometry until I understood it. I did it without any class or teacher. Just me and the book. It was so difficult - at first. The first few chapters. Then, bam, I got it, and went through the rest of the book on my own - no teachers or youtube needed to explain it. It was very simple, once I overcame my mind blocking itself.

Schools and teachers are not really required for anything, in my opinion. Medicine, maybe, and things like that, but that is different situation.