Highest Rated Comments

Scuzzboots278 karma

Man On Fire is one of my favorite films. How did you acquire research material for the role of Creasy? Information on the actual events is almost impossible to come by on the internet.

Thanks for the AMA! Keep being badass!

Scuzzboots46 karma

No questions from me, just a thank you. I've lost two best friends due to drinking and driving. Wish there were more people like you in the world.

Scuzzboots2 karma

Hi Joe. What would you recommend for a 31 year old guy who hasn't excersized in a long time as far as a routine would be concerned? As in diet and working out... I'm in that place where I'm recently single and wanting to get fit as fuck for myself. Everybody i ask this question to seems to have a different answer.

Scuzzboots1 karma

What is your favorite cover of Baby Got Back, and why is it Grasshopper Takeover?

Scuzzboots1 karma

Who would you feel like you had the best chance at winning against in a fight out of the members of Sevendust, and why? Also, worst chance. Go!