Highest Rated Comments

Senor_Met6357 karma

Garsh, ma'am, looks like you sure do suck at raising kids

Senor_Met353 karma

Holy shit, how did I never realize that? I knew those guys from MADtv back before that video even came out (I think) and I've watched that video a hundred thousand times.

Senor_Met142 karma

Definitely way more. When I was using opiates I'd downplay it to everyone - even my dealer. "Hey my brother wanted me to cop him a couple percs..." Like, how bad is it that I'm lying about how much I'm using to the guy I'm buying it from?

Senor_Met107 karma

plenty of people in wheelchairs can play basketball with able bodied friends as long as their friends are willing to accommodate to them. i played basketball with someone in a wheelchair when i was a kid...wasn't even a powered one, kid was going full kenny kawaguchi on us and was one of the best shooters in the group

Senor_Met87 karma

Your username...I hate/love it