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Set_the_Mighty7 karma

I had a good experience with the tech who installed my uverse. I think he stayed extra long because my friends and I were nice to him. My tech problem: The crossbox (?) is 200 feet from my house so the main signal is quite strong. The problem is that the signal from the box in my living room doesn't extend very well to the farthest room, which is separated by an exterior space. It initially had one wired connection to the room for the TV and it works. The tenant was using wireless at first but it was such a low signal that it was barely useable.

I used the livechat thing on the website and was talking to some Indian dude who said it was OK to hook a second router up to the wired connection to use as a signal extender. He claimed he could manipulate the router remotely with out any admin info or pw access and tell the system to use it as an extender rather than a router broadcasting it's own signal. (Total bullshit, what a lying fuckbag) I had been inclined to use that spare router for this purpose anyway and went along with his plan. He claimed he did everythign necessary to make it work and ended the session, claiming that any further problems were 100% my fault.

So the router broadcasts it's own signal instead of extending the Uverse signal. Not an issue for internet but per instruction from the lying fuckbag we have his TV wired via cat5 to the router. Per the tenant the TV signal cuts out after 5 minutes, I don't know why, tenant thinks it is a signal strength issue and thinks we need some specific splitter coming off the line into the house, one split to the router for his internet and one split to the TV so the TV doesn't have to run through the second router.

Is there a specific quality splitter we should be using? The tech did something identical in another room of the house but it is this fancy (probably expensive) box that splits the signal. Would Uverse just give us another one of those for the room with bad signal?

Thanks for any suggestions you might have. My work is quite similar and I put up with the same range of customers so I feel your pain.

Set_the_Mighty6 karma

Doctors tried to diagnose me with something along these lines when I was born by holding a flashlight up to one side of my head and guessing how much brain was there by the light that shone out the other side. I am 100% serious in this, they told my mother I was born with out a brain based on this test. They were quite wrong, I'm fully lobed as it were.

Set_the_Mighty4 karma

Buy omeprazole from Costco (or Mexico if you trust em) Not that expensive.

Set_the_Mighty3 karma

It's not like they tried to euthanize me. They told her I would likely die in a few days/hours. When I didn't they revised their prognosis. This is all because I didn't scream immediately after birth. She tells me I just looked around as calmly as a newborn can. Apparently babies are supposed to scream bloody murder as soon as they pop out and it's considered bad when they don't.

Set_the_Mighty2 karma

That saliva backup is terrible. If you are currently at the point where your saliva backs up a lot then you are not in a remotely good state. You should get dilated again and immediately take an acid inhibitor from then on. You really ought to force yourself to take the pills. They will stop the continued damage and allow healing which will allow the esophagus to be a bit larger and allow easier swallowing of food and pills. Every time you feel heartburn you are digesting your les and esophagus. That isn't good. As far as coating fluids, I have had little luck with them. Given the type of damage we have they are like throwing a glass of water on a burning building.