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SetiFX12 karma

I believe at some point science and the mystical merge. I don't see why science would not be able to observe the mystical at some point along our evolutionary path.

SetiFX12 karma

Has anyone worked with the Q'ero or with Ayahausca? What are your thoughts?

SetiFX12 karma

Working with Ayahausca that contains solely the two main ingredients, which is the Banesteriopsis Caapi (ayahuasca) vine and the leaves of Psychotria viridis (chacruna) is completely safe. In fact there is overwhelming evidence it is actually beneficial for the body and brain. Seratonin levels afterwards re increased for example. It is not safe if the shaman adds Toe, which is part of the Brugmansia family or a nightshade - this substance at low levels is toxix as it contains scopalamine - this can be deadly. The other concern is the environment - where you take it and with who. I know of a gal who traveled two days to work with a particular shaman who has a great reputation, but she stepped into the river and was bitten by a sting ray - she had to travel two days back to Cusco, and they did not have the skills there to properly treat her foot - so she had to be med evacuated to Italy where she was from for treatment - she almost lost her foot.

SetiFX10 karma

Great question - I took a subjective approach - like that of Carlos Castaneda. I do not believe one can be neutral. Like in physics if their is an scientist with an observation it will affect the outcome of the experiment - this is true for anthropologists as well. I wanted to tell the truth as I see it, but present what I would consider to be a fair and balanced presentation.

SetiFX8 karma

Yes, I experiences many profound things through ayahuasca that has dramatically changed me for the better - I had two particularly spiritual/mystical/religious experiences, the others were beneficial in many ways in that the brew allows you to see yourself through a new lens, and as Dr. Dennis McKenna says in the film, the brew is a disruptor and can change the path of synapses and helps them to re-align in new ways.