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Shakingaj23 karma

considerably. I can't walk without a stick, can't dress myself let alone my 3yr old daughter, can't work. Really hoping that when the power is on I will get some control back.

Shakingaj16 karma

I went to the GP (family doc in NZ) with a numb right arm, a feeling of disconnect between my hand and my brain (ie I couldn't keep up in meetings taking notes and as a lawyer you can imagine how well that worked) and numb slightly twitchy fingers. Thought I had a pinched nerve. 6 months later neurologist says, nope its Parkinson's.

Shakingaj13 karma

No one has yet discovered the cause of the disease for most people. I think the latest research talks about cell degeneration at a molecular level as a result of certain proteins misfiring as the cell divides but 95% of people have idiopathic Parkinson's i.e. no known cause. Sometimes genetic (particular DNA) or environmental factors play a role. In most cases though it just come on, and by the time you show symptoms you've already lost 80% of the brains ability to produce dopamine (one of the key neuro transmitters). I had no family history and didn't grow up in an orchard using pesticides (as has been the cause of Parkinson's in some). So the answer is no, there's not a shitload anyone can do to prevent it.

Shakingaj8 karma

hey thanks, I really appreciate your thoughts. I hope to get a few years out of it and my surgeon was confident that the positive after effects of the initial probe placement bodes well for the future. So quietly confident that I'll be a new man in a few months...

Shakingaj3 karma

I did but my cynical lawyer side took over and said no. Rationale, until treatment is available there's little point in knowing. And my main reason is anti-selection. Not so much me but my kids. Insurers try anything to weasel out of contracts, and if there is a test floating around saying I'm x and y kids are x and they answered y on an insurance application...well they are toast. Believe me, as an insurance law specialist this is a possibility and therefore not a risk I'm prepared to take on behalf of my kids and their kids.