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ShatterPoints22 karma

documenting how easy it is in America to buy guns without any ID, any paperwork or a background check — just a wad of cash.

That is such a silly statement. You can't do this in ANY FFL or gun shop. You CAN do this in a face to face transfer for if I gift a firearm to a relative. There are already background checks and waiting periods. MORE of them won't stop future V-Tech occurrences. The school was a gun free zone and guess what criminal still broke the law by bringing guns on campus and broke more laws when he killed people. I respect what you are doing and your right to do it. But please stop using vague documentaries and general liberal parroting to justify what you are campaigning for.

ShatterPoints5 karma

Absolutely, I record all info in any of my private sales. I include everything on a bill of sale and everything is clear and cut. If I sell to anyone they MUST have an ID in the state we are doing business in. I've not needed to fall back on any of my documentation but I can say that should that day come I am prepared.

ShatterPoints3 karma

Maybe these are some bad questions. I'm sorry if they are. What is it like to learn to walk again? What is it like not being able to? Do you just not remember? Or you try to walk like you would normally but things just don't go right?

Lastly, are you aware of, or do you feel different, or think differently to yourself than before?

ShatterPoints3 karma

Why do you say quantum computers will always need extremely low temps? If I remember correctly, I have seen that qbits, depending on the elements used can remain stable at room temperature.

ShatterPoints2 karma

I read somewhere that on longer spacewalks where astronauts are using tools. That it is not uncommon for them to lose finger nails. Are improvements on a "wishlist" to address issues like these? How are improvements planned or implemented to solve things like that? Or are we mainly limited to function over form?