Highest Rated Comments

ShayRose7 karma

Your best bet is to only buy from small, local farms. If you have a farmer's market you can go to regularly, you can talk to the farmers and other farm employees about their practices to ensure the treatment of animals there is up to your standards. Labels on meat products at chain stores, even ones like Whole Foods, are often misleading.

ShayRose7 karma

Naomi Rose, a respected Marine Biologist and animal activist for the Humane Society answers this question here.

ShayRose7 karma

Bet they're worried now!

ShayRose2 karma

Hi Gabriela, first of all I just wanted to thank you for the time and effort you put into Blackfish. I truly believe it has put into motion a demand for proper treatment of Orcas and other large marine mammals. Also, thank you for sending me a Blackfish tee shirt! I was so excited to have "won" it when I didn't even realize there was a contest! I'm wearing it today!

My questions are:

  1. What was the most challenging part of making the documentary?

  2. Did you have a strong opinion for either side before you started your research (were you a big Sea World fan, a big animals rights fan, etc).

  3. Have you had the opportunity to see Orcas in the wild? I did for the first time this summer and it was magical to say the least.

  4. How has making Blackfish effected the way you view animal rights in general?