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ShelbinatorRex2 karma

I have to ask...how was Montana? What did guys do there?

ShelbinatorRex2 karma

I'm waiting impatiently right now to get home from work so that I can get your book from the mail and start it! You're one of my favorite people/writers ever in the whole world so I have a bunch of questions (sorry). What was the most difficult part of working on HTFP and what was your favorite part of the process? I haven't been able to see any of your standup because I live in Montana, but has that been successful enough to make traveling more for that a possibility, or would you want to do that? Also, do you still have your mug of pens? Thanks for everything!

ShelbinatorRex1 karma

Also, happy birthday to Jackson President O'Brien (probably the coolest dog name ever)!