Highest Rated Comments

SherpaForCardinals776 karma

Why are the BLM goals so broad? There is language on your website about not only Blackness, but also the nuclear family and sexual orientation. Does this dilute your message and turn off potential supporters?

SherpaForCardinals112 karma

In your opinion, what are we losing as we invite more and more technology into our daily rhythms and habits?

SherpaForCardinals2 karma

Are there any technologies in the pipeline that will either help/hurt working from home in the next 3-5 years?

SherpaForCardinals2 karma

Does it seem like music is innovating anymore?

Perhaps it's because I'm aging, but it seems like most music either belongs in a Forever 21 (drum machine with beeps and boops and a female voice lazily singing over it) or in a forest (vocal whoops, slide guitar, and a man singing about a girl, with possibly the same drum machine).

SherpaForCardinals1 karma

Would the US EVER consider voting-at-home for its citizens? Or is that way too vulnerable to hacking?