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Shhimhidingfuker52 karma

My parents were from Pine River and Motley, but I was raised in Baltimore.

The summer after my dad passed away when I was 10 (1989) my mom thought it'd be a good idea to send me to my grandparents house in Pine River. They were raising my cousin, who was only 2 months older than me (at a total dickbag).

It was a total culture shock. Everything seemed to be 2 years behind the east coast. They still had a drug store that served cherry coke by adding syrup when you ordered it. I was totally out of my element.

The one thing that totally stuck out to me was the other kids socks. Kids in Baltimore wore white crew socks. Kids in Pine River were still wearing tube socks, pulled all the way up.

But not only were they tube socks, they HAD to be gray tube socks. Gray tube socks with colored stripes at the top. If you had white tube socks, well, you were just weird.

I'm sure I'd appreciate the area more now that I'm older, but as a young city kid....traumatizing.

Shhimhidingfuker30 karma

The Dairy Queen....that's my highlight of Motley lol

Shhimhidingfuker26 karma

I though I was in /r/cringe for a minute.

Shhimhidingfuker22 karma

There’s been conversations about the governments duty to warn

Shhimhidingfuker8 karma

While everyone has been wondering about PTSD, I'm curious if your father has endured any other conditions presumed to be associated with being a POW?

The malnourishment and unhygienic conditions endured over such an extended period of time is known to cause many other ailments aside from PTSD.

Your father is a bad ass.