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Shizly3 karma

How is the military reaction on the situation? Tonight we had someone on the news we escaped her hotel and came back from here vacation early. She said that she saw police and military clash with eachother. Thoughts?

Shizly3 karma

Do you work with other centres who do the same thing in the States? Or are you guys unique in this? I'm not familiar with how the guidance dog system works in the US at all.

In the Netherlands we basically have a national guidance dog non-profit (KNGF, Royal Dutch Guidance Dogs Funds). Since last year experiments started with providing dogs to parents with handicapped children and to uniformed personal (military, police, etc) suffering from PTST.

Link to their uniformed personal add: http://youtu.be/8rejRmpuUy0

Text says:

"We not only help people who can't see..We also help people who saw to much."

Shizly2 karma

Thank you. Very informative.

Shizly1 karma

How do you think it is justifiable to have people in places of power within the European Union, whom never have been chosen by the European people?

Which places are you talking about?