Highest Rated Comments

Shodokan7 karma

This may branch a bit off topic but I've never had a indian I could actually speak to so this is actually exciting for me where as I can learn about your culture and such. But my first question is does your tribe still have bitter feelings about the americans coming and a forcing you away from the lands you guys rightfully owned and moving you guys into small reserves? I know if I were in your shoes I would be rather heated even though it's been hundreds of years it's still not right what happened to you guys. (I am a American and still think it's wrong what my ancestors did to your people)

Shodokan6 karma

Damn man I hate hearing that.. I mean for no reason at all a 3 am search and the flash light ordeal.. that's ridiculous and uncalled for unless they had a legit reason to assume something was wrong. But in all fairness another thing that is retarded is to allow an inmate to hand out the food... I mean if they are not supervised the guards should expect the inmates to play favorites.. our jail systems are screwed up.

Shodokan6 karma

Haha I really enjoyed the "bear jew" how was it filming as that character versus your role as like let's say Cabin Fever as the moderately creepy hobo looking character lol? I always wondered how you woukd compare such... night and day different roles. And what was your favorite role in any movie?

Shodokan5 karma

Just curious... I have heard several people say solitary confinement changes a man... well in your own experience what was it like spending 8 months without human contact? I mean I have heard that it makes me people go nuts and starting compulsive cleaning of their cell... assuming they see things not there like bugs.. talking to themself to pass time.. and that when they get out they have a hard time adjusting to life outside the walls... I guess I am asking did any of this happen to you or do you have anything else you experience?

Shodokan3 karma

Thanks for the reply and that it was a lengthy reply! Most of the AMA's I join the person replies with like a one liner lol but what do you think was the worst experience about solitaire was it the no contact with other people or losing more rights or something totally different?