Highest Rated Comments

ShooTa66616 karma

Are you now a donor?

ShooTa6661 karma

just to add that pesticides are usually indescriminate killers - killing both the destructive pests, and the beneficials.. most pesticide/herbicide run off tends to come via towns/cities from peoples gardens -into sewerage/rain water systems.

ShooTa6661 karma

technically for carbon sequestration its not - true grasslands and savannahs are far better carbon sinks - but its easier and more sustainable (i think) to prevent ecosystem loss of what may contain medicines etc that we dont know we need yet. for reading around grasslands - Alan savory's work is really interesting.

ShooTa6661 karma

indeed - I have just changed out farm toward regenerative agriculture.

ShooTa6661 karma

What impact do you think having pasture/100% forage raised animals has on the microbiome vs the more conventional soy/cake fed industrial agriculture livestock. we already know that the omega 3/6 balance is far better in the former, so does the same run true for the microbiome?