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Shtune83 karma

Sort of. Undesignated contributions are unconditional gifts. A church has no legal obligation to return undesignated contributions to a donor under any circumstances. For example, if you're in church and the collection plate goes around and you throw in what you think is a $5 but is really a $50, then later you try to get it back the church has no obligation to refund you. Is it good practice to do so? Maybe. Guess it depends on if they like you or not.

You can in most churches make designated contributions in which you as the donor designate how the contribution is to be spent. Courts have ruled that such designated contributions are held by the church "in trust" for the designated purpose. So if they never hold up their end of the bargain you can get your money back. That is likely the case here, where his "donations" were for a specific purpose, or he did not receive what was promised. The other likely story is that the church didn't fight it, which they likely could have for the classes/auditing he did go to.

Shtune35 karma

My wife is a Speech Language Pathologist and she is wondering if you're working with an SLP for fluency or voice therapy and/or overall verbal expression. If you could share some of what they're having you do she would love to read that. She has actually worked with a patient who had locked in syndrome.

Shtune6 karma

Amazing! Thank you. She listened to a bit, and will finish the Q&A tomorrow. She said you sound great and she's rooting for you, and your journey is very inspirational!

Shtune5 karma

I'd imagine you're dealing with an insurer who wants to make sure everything is handled correctly as well.

Shtune5 karma

The amount of lead is what they're arguing is unsafe if you would have read what they posted.