Highest Rated Comments

SirMothy19 karma

Dude I am in the same fucking boat as you man. My mother passed away in February and alot of my family members have Huntington's. I haven't been tested yet but I want to soon. All I can tell you man is be positive, do what you want in life because its about quality not quantity. Good luck!

SirMothy15 karma

The land, air, and sea. Stick a quarter pounder, a mcchicken, and a fish filet together.

SirMothy6 karma

I just want to say my mother died about a year ago, I was 20 years old a the time. It's hard to wake up everyday and go to class, do homework, and all that stuff, I'm trucking through it but it's extremely difficult for me because all day I will be fine, then when I try to sleep I just stay up thinking about stuff forever, especially my Mom. Would be awesome if something like your talking about got started. Anyway, hope everything turns out good for you in the end man.

SirMothy4 karma

No wonder he's in the fackin reserves

SirMothy4 karma

How much money do you make?