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Sir_BarlesCharkley6 karma

Just want to say that I really appreciate the work you all are doing in our state. I've lived in Utah my entire life, grew up Mormon, the whole nine yards. I used to think the Trib's entire purpose as a news organization was to tear the church down. I viewed any news about the church coming from the Tribune as 'anti-Mormon.' My head was in the sand reeeeeally deep. Managed to have my entire world turned upside down over the last few years as I started questioning everything and decided to leave Mormonism. Needless to say, I don't view the Tribune as anti-Mormon propaganda anymore.

I'm under the impression that my former opinions about the Tribune aren't exactly unique among my believing friends and family members. Is this something that you deal with frequently as you try to do your job reporting on the news in Utah? Or do you find that most believing members you interact with view the Tribune favorably? Of course there is a wide spectrum of opinions and beliefs. But I'm curious to know if negative sentiment towards the Tribune is common enough that it drastically affects how easy it is to work with people. Any thoughts you can share?