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Skuto4151 karma

Have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? I mean as in, the police got involved before you could pull out whatever papers allowed you to break in etc?

Skuto25 karma

1) What happened to the tuner between RS1 and RS2014 that causes it to be so problematic and apparently flat compared to external tuners? It seems such a strange regression.

2) Are you guys aware of the bug where the game resets Windows sound volumes including the RealTone cable, on each restart?

3) There seem to be tone/volume issues with old DLC in RS2014, will these be revisited & fixed?

4) Note detection in Rocksmith has advanced greatly, from not being able to distinguish chords in Guitar Rising to the quite accurate one in RS2014. What will be the next step there? Are you able to discuss the used DSP algorithms and techniques?

Skuto11 karma

How often does Firefox hang due to a rogue tab? I've never had it happen. If it happens to you, that really should go in Bugzilla.

Having each tab in a separate process was abandoned because it turns out to be less efficient than what we do now. The original Firefox for Android used it, but we also did away with it there for performance reasons.

Plugins like Flash run into a separate process these days, which gives most of the benefits with none of the drawbacks. (At least until Adobe decided they wanted to run in another extra sandbox and made the new versions of Flash unstable since a few months...but I digress...and that's not our fault)

Skuto6 karma

The implications of this statement could be beyond awesome. Stairway confirmed!!1

Skuto4 karma

Most likely depends on their sales, and it's still a bit early for that. I'm sure the devs would like to do more.