Highest Rated Comments

Slick_Grimes287 karma

There was a ring in Lakewood busted a year or so ago that were running seminars on how to scam!!!! Welfare, EBT, medicare. If there was an angle to scam anything out of anyone you could pay to attend the seminars and learn how....IF you're one of them.

Slick_Grimes125 karma

I've heard on many times that they claim to "not be able to see unchosen" (anything but them).

And holy shit Grand Union!! There's a name I haven't heard in a long time!

Slick_Grimes90 karma

What kind of corruption have you already seen? Please be very specific with name, dates, locations, and any other pertinent information.

Slick_Grimes88 karma

Sadly true.

Slick_Grimes78 karma

I have a friend with cerebral palsy that calls himself the "Pimp with a limp" and like you he has a fantastic sense of humor about it which I really admire. You should see him bowl though! Looks like he's winding up a pitch when he steps to the line.

Anyway do you secretly wish someone will fuck you re-abled?