Highest Rated Comments

Slip_8513 karma

Service dogs aren't very good at reading, so you should probably learn braille.

Slip_8511 karma

While relatively small time, I do hiring as part about of my job. Large holes will stick out on a CV but having it explained in a brief way in a cover letter is enough for me to ignore it. It obviously depends on industry, culture, and hiring manager, but that should be enough. If the reason makes sense, I don't even bring it up in interview.

Slip_859 karma

I'm not sure the best way to word this, but here goes. Not all clothing items are made for all people. Are you ever in a situation where you recommend to a woman to not buy something? Also, any time I've ever been in a store like that, I feel like everyone must think I'm some fort of creep. Do you ever have to deal with actual creeps in the store?

Slip_853 karma

This might be a foolish question, but are you right handed or left handed? I want to guess left handed since the majority of people are right and in your case that would be the opposite. I understand that my reasoning involves no use of science whatsoever.

Slip_853 karma

According to my made up science, that means you're actually a lefty! You're just all about being a lower percentage.