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SmoovyJ632 karma

Because cakes and pies are so very delicious.

SmoovyJ166 karma

but I kind of got freaked out at how many negative tweets there were after just my first night

While I think tweet-stalkers are freaks, nonetheless, we know they are out there. And I have to say, I'm surprised at your surprise at how quickly the hate came.

Cuz I gotta level with you, man: When I saw your first episode, I kept saying to my wife "man, this guy is a DICK." Only, it wasn't because you were jumping around the board, or anything. I don't even remember that part (I've been watching on and off for 20+ years, and I seem to recall the occasional player doing that).

It was your demeanor. To me, you had a look on your face like you hated everyone. And you just had the look of one of the dudes in my engineering classes who rocked the 4.0 but couldn't hold down a conversation. And I recall the whole cutting-Alex-off-bit thing happening frequently and I found it annoying and a hair direspectful.

Anyway, then I forgot about that first episode. I don't watch the show religiously, so I just assumed you lost a game or 2 later like many champs. Then, weeks later, I started reading articles about your streak and Ken Jennings did a blog post about the "controversy." And while once I recognized your face, I thought "yeah, that guy, he was kind of rude," it wasn't until I read these awful tweets and articles from these uptight assholes that I began to look at things differently.

Yes, your demeanor had rubbed me the wrong way, but what was this nonsense about "ruining the culture of jeopardy" or "not letting people answer" ?

So I watched five of your episodes in a row, and realized you indeed had a strategy, that you were in deep, deep concentration during the entire show, and, that all these assholes had their shorts in a bunch for completely ridiculous, unfounded reasons, and I guess you could say I was on the Chu-Chu-Train permanently. I was seriously disappointed when you lost last night.

I guess I don't have a question. I just want to say I think the instant-hatred stemmed from your point about how people who don't know you very well have a certain impression of you, and folks in your improv class who get your intentions and your dark humor have a different one entirely. You can't get to know someone really well from an 18-minute quiz show, and it's all about putting your best foot-forward. Which, for the record, I don't think you are required to do when in a competition, but I wouldn't be as shocked at people's first impression.

SmoovyJ103 karma

his ranking on Alexa

oh snap, never should have bought that echo dot for my kid’s xmas

SmoovyJ58 karma

But we really didn't interact that much -- Alex disappears pretty quickly after each show is done taping and we certainly don't hang out in the same green room with him before the show. He's a very nice guy but he's an old-school Hollywood pro and I get the feeling he guards his personal life carefully.

From what I understand, it's less about guarding his personal life, and more about not giving the perception of providing answers or even special attention any of the players, re: the "Quiz show" lawsuits you alluded to in an earlier answer.

SmoovyJ52 karma

Man...vanity plates are getting lengthy these days.

Still, for my money, "OFFENSE TO THE POLICE" Just doesn't have the same ring as "FUCK DA POLICE"