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Snippy_Snallygaster25 karma

You say reading is weird, but it's always been lifelike for me. Usually the few times I actually suspect I'm dreaming and try to fly or something, it doesn't work and I just go back to the dream plot.

Snippy_Snallygaster9 karma

I've had a few dreams where I can float. It's never very high, think a giant bug with tiny wings in a Disney cartoon floating. But those ones always feel super realistic too, too the point I MIGHT try it while awake, just to be sure. It's weird how dreams can make impossible things feel possible.

Snippy_Snallygaster5 karma

And what about the children who's entire lives are pain and suffering? Is that still "good"? Or are the brief moments they may be able to act like children worth the torture?

How can God justify evil like that? How can they create maggots that bore through peoples flesh, or diseases that humiliate them as they defecate themselves to death?

There are some things in the world that are evil without purpose. Why would your God create such pointless evil? How could they think of it unless they were also the pinnacle of evil, as well as good?

And this is a genuine question I truly hope you answer. Why does God DESERVE our reverence? You wouldn't force an abused child to love with their abusive parents, why should we love a God who only loves us with a thousand strings attached?

Snippy_Snallygaster2 karma

Real talk, was it worth it? Of course fighting for your life always is, but I mean would you do it again if you had to, or...

I've always said if I got cancer I'd rather let it win than go through chemotherapy. Its come up a lot in my family, with one cousin basically having to be hollowed out to save him.

I truely can't imagine what survival would feel like though, it's probably a unique emotion to it's own.

Snippy_Snallygaster1 karma

How muddy will this get if we ever make an AI with a sense of ownership? Are there any plans in place for "thinking" AI?