Highest Rated Comments

Sociacademic5 karma

Sounds like you're doing it right!

What do you think is your "Achilles heel" where if a client were to behave in a certain way towards you, you think you wouldn't be able to handle it emotionally? I'm not talking about a client being threatening or something else that would be obvious cause for termination, but something that is within the bounds of the therapeutic setting and that another therapist might conceivably be able to handle, but that you would have difficulty with because of your own baggage, biases and blind spots.

Sociacademic3 karma

Have you had any patients who challenged you / were critical of you to the point where you felt yourself getting defensive, and if so how did you deal?

Sociacademic2 karma

I assume that means you don't want sharia law?

What share of the Muslims you know personally would you say want vs. don't want sharia law?

Sociacademic2 karma

You say above you've already had such clients. How did that go?

Sociacademic2 karma

Thanks for answering!

For the group therapy you did, were you the only therapist involved or did you collaborate with a colleague? If the latter, can you share some things you and your colleague might say to each other in confidence about how things were going that you would not say to the clients?