Highest Rated Comments

SockMonkeh27 karma

You just need to head a little bit out of the city and find yourself a nice bathhouse.

SockMonkeh1 karma

Holy shit! General Chaos was amazing, what platforms are you planning on for General Chaos II?

SockMonkeh1 karma

Perfect, I'm going to fund it.

SockMonkeh1 karma

Hello Mr O'Rourke. I appreciate that you are aggressively trying to tackle the issue with gun violence in this county, as I believe it definitely needs to be addressed. However, I fear that you may be alienating quite a few voters unnecessarily but targeting AR-15s for confiscation, rather than taking an approach focused on who is allowed to own firearms rather than what firearms they are allowed to own.

This publication from Boston University makes a strong case, in my opinion, that a simple combination of universal background checks and restrictions on violent offenders from owning firearms would result int a reduction in gun crime. In my experience, both gun enthusiasts and gun opponents can get behind this. Would you consider altering your stance based on this study?


I understand that this would be a huge policy shift, and this it's unlikely you would make such a drastic change at this point, but I hope you consider the arguments presented here because I believe your heart is in the right place.

SockMonkeh1 karma

How's the smell?