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SomeGnosis4 karma

I've noticed that a lot of legislating happens in the eleventh hour on that final day--usually controversial and under-reported things that just get shoved through with no deliberation and definitely no chance for public input (not that it matters to most of our reps). Is this a tactic you are all aware of? Could a full-time assembly be held more accountable? It's like they know that in 18 months there will be a whole new batch of issues and bullshit legislation (like the solar pull-back and the health-care vote) will not be revisited.

SomeGnosis2 karma

I'd say this AMA is good proof of your commitment to public discourse; some NV politicians even take their phones off the hook...

"The Tactic" is truly infuriating to citizens as it is used to either flush a turd that just plopped, or to reverse a presumed settled issue. Is there any respect for citizens in the Republican party? That is, dems always seem to seek-out public discourse and involvement while Rs are notoriously isolated and even disdainful of real interaction (except with major lobby firms, of course).

Do you have allies across the isle? Or is it as split here as on the national stage...

SomeGnosis2 karma

Well now that Laxalt is gunning for Sandoval's job he'll have to change his tune...

SomeGnosis1 karma

Well thanks for doing this, I wish you well! If I see you out on the trail I'll tell you about the time G'ma heckled then junior Senator Harry Reid during the labor day parade :)


SomeGnosis1 karma

They both passed a while ago :/ All I can tell you are the stories. I bet my mother has some good ones too :)