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SomedaysFuckItMan767 karma

I have an older person who works for me who claims to have been a CIA agent and has quite incredible stories about it.

I think he is lying about the whole thing, but I can't prove it. Anything you can recommend?

SomedaysFuckItMan438 karma

Oh if you are the same person then yes I did!

SomedaysFuckItMan277 karma

For backstory here I have an employee that works for me and is like sixty years old. In his first day he told me that he used to work for the CIA, how he spoke Chinese and Greek, his former NOC status, being evacuated from an embassy under attack due to his high priority status, and that he was authoring a book about his CIA life and was just waiting for agency review before publication. That was four years ago. The intensity and rehearsed nature of the dialogue made me suspicious but not overly worried.

Well over the next few months he demonstrated a complete lack of technical (IT/networking) competency, severe lack of common sense judgement, always has a sob story, and predilection for inappropriately talking to higher up military and civilian officers whenever he had the chance.

There are other parts of his story that don't make sense. His demeanor and choice of clothing are always flashy and extravagant, but I don't know. I'm not an agency man but this guy just screams fraud to me.

SomedaysFuckItMan111 karma

Welcome to maersk

SomedaysFuckItMan37 karma

I can vouch for this. When I was doing patrols in Iraq or in a tower we'd come under attack with no precise indication where it was coming from, aside from "over there." Hiding in civilian houses or in the bush hundreds of yards away, you can't really engage them without laying waste to civilian property. I came to the belief they really didn't care about hitting anything and just wanted bragging rights that they attacked our FOB and lived.