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SomethingMusic24 karma

Do you think that's why people are flocking to 'alternative' journalism sites, or are these sites the ones you are worried about?

Do you think it's okay for MSM or alternative media to have clear biases?

SomethingMusic24 karma

Considering how youtube is doing it's best to sanitize anything remotely controversial, I seriously doubt SMBC theater would well at all, if not even worse simply due to how ad revenue works.

SomethingMusic20 karma

Is there evidence that only Russia tampered with the election or that other countries also tried to influence the US election? Do you think its normal or irregular for countries to promote their own interests in another countries election? Especially considering how the US loves tampering with foreign elections.

SomethingMusic1 karma

How did participating in Top Chef help your career? Also, is top Chef considered an important competition in the culinary world or is it more for TV viewers?

SomethingMusic1 karma

How much of these bills are initial bills from hospitals vs actual settled bills? I've always heard that those initial numbers are really fabricated numbers to submit to insurance claims, and actual payment/costs are much lower than presented.