Highest Rated Comments

SpaceFloow714 karma

You deserve to be fat.

SpaceFloow72 karma

SpaceFloow40 karma

Tagged: The Gay-Fornication Officer

SpaceFloow24 karma

If you were to vlog/document it and make it public.

  1. Create a YouTube channel, and monetize your channel.
  2. Buy a GoPro and a Canon camera
  3. Place GoPro inside the surgery room, preferably above you. Ask one of the nurses to film when (s)he's not doing anything.
  4. ???
  5. Profit

It will help people who are about to go through the same surgery. It will help future surgeons, and you will get to see yourself die and come back alive, and that'd be pretty cool.

You can even document/vlog the recovery. I'm sure a lot of people would find it very interesting, just look at the feedback this thread got.

Break a leg!

SpaceFloow1 karma

Why create a sleeve instead of a case?