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Spare3Parts437 karma

That honestly surprises me. My husband is way too uncomfortable in those places but I have no problem so I go in for whatever we need. With the free Internet it just surprised me how many men still by DVDs. Huh. I have to twist his arm to get him in there for an opinion or to pick out a sexy lingerie because he's afraid of being judged.

Spare3Parts155 karma

If you miss the boat you have to find your own way home or to the next port. The cruise ship tells you when to get back on and helps you plan excursions around that time to make sure you get back on the boat, but ultimately it's your responsibility. The cruise ship company won't help you financially with flight and what not if you are left behind.

Spare3Parts37 karma

Would you ever want children in the future, or is that something you'll decide later on?

Spare3Parts10 karma

My husband and I were looking into getting our concealed carries as soon as we get the funds and we definitely wanted to do a proper class. I see that there are a wide variety of classes and a lot split up by gender. Do you think this is necessary? Would a woman's only class benefit me at all or would I get the same education in a unisex class? I personally don't see how they are al different, but you may know something I don't so it doesn't hurt to ask. Thanks!

Spare3Parts10 karma

My little sister absolutely loves ninja turtles and was amazed when I knew their names. My family adopted her from china and we are 16 years apart so we don't share much, so that was kind of nice to share a show I watched when I was little, even if its different now. She has a ninja turtle costume that she wears almost constantly. Keep up the good work :)