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Sparxfly27 karma

shit. Do you have kids?

Sparxfly6 karma

I’m late to see this, but I have a friend whose son was born with severe hydrocephalus and has suffered seizures ever since. They started keto a few years ago, and they were markedly improved. Like almost non-existent.

But. In addition to keto being somewhat limiting in what he can eat, he’s a very picky eater. He hasn’t gained more than a few pounds in the years since starting it, and as a result was becoming severely underweight as he grew in height. To the point that doctors had concerns. They had to stop keto and he had an NG tube for a while, and is now just eating. And seizing.

Is there any way you can fathom, weight gain while on a keto diet? I know, it’s sort of counterintuitive, but even just adding butter and coconut oil to his foods didn’t help.

Sparxfly6 karma

I get cold sores. Acyclovir used to work awesome for me. Now it barely does anything at all. It sucks.

Sparxfly5 karma

That's good. Don't you feel dirty though? Knowing that's what he's into? (I'm not trying to be disrespectful)

Sparxfly4 karma

What do you mean by this? Is that a POTS thing? Because in reading this AMA, I am sure I have this. I have nearly all of these symptoms and have been told that I'm crazy for the most part. I didn't know it existed until today. I also have diagnosed hypermobility, but the curling up when sitting. I always do that. Can you elaborate?