Highest Rated Comments

SpikeMF24 karma

I second this notion. Giving someone a choice, especially a formal one, between their job and someone else's life should be criminal. If it's not explicitly illegal to do I'm certain there are some lawyers somewhere willing and able to make that case.

Or as a public safety issue, the company should be sued to change their policy (and for any damages arising from such a policy). It's sick.

SpikeMF6 karma

If you're on a call with a company that has a This call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes recording, does that mean they are consenting to being recorded?

SpikeMF5 karma

If I had to guess, it would be a desalination pump-- similar to a water filter, but used to extract fresh water from salt water.


SpikeMF5 karma

Crohn's is almost the same as UC; the main difference is that UC is localized to the colon while Crohn's is not. You should probably know that UC can develop into Crohn's (it did for me), but not necessarily every case of UC or Crohn's requires surgery. In fact, it can usually be treated without surgery. If you're in remission, there's a substantial chance that it will resurface a few years from now, so just be ready for it. Again, though, surgery is a last resort and you probably won't need it. Having discussed it with people who have gone through with it, though, I can say that it's not nearly as bad as you think it is.

If the medication you're on is keeping it under control, then that's really good. What are you taking for it?

SpikeMF3 karma

When I first glanced at this, I thought it was under /r/crohnsdisease. It's good to see this getting more awareness. Not having gone through with the procedure (yet, and hopefully ever), I want to know: Do you plan to get the intestine re-attached to the rectum? And what factors determine or play into that decision?

High five to a fellow chronie!