Highest Rated Comments

SplashIsOverrated2 karma

I am now imagining how awkward it would be if your name is Becky. You know, since you caught on fire. Well, of course you know but you know what I mean. Hm, this isn't going very well. This morning I had buttered toast. I toasted it on medium for about 2 minutes and the toast came out golden-brown and crispy. I think I used land o lakes butter but I could be wrong. I'm not exactly a butter connoisseur. Did you have breakfast today? If so, what was it?

SplashIsOverrated1 karma

That just brings up more questions. What purpose do the 2 mouths serve? If both are for eating and assuming that the alien has 2 hands, is it ambidextrious and able to feed both mouths at once? Are the 2 mouths connected? (like our nose and mouth are with our throat)

SplashIsOverrated1 karma

I looked at "8:00" and saw a face. I've concluded that the 8 is a bow tie, the : are eyes, and debating if the 00 shoild be a nose and an agape mouth or two lips. Your opinion on this?

SplashIsOverrated1 karma

When I first read the title, I thought about insults between women. "Becky isn't even hot"