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Spoonfairy3 karma

Freerunning Children from an Orphanage? :D

Spoonfairy2 karma

You talk alot about what you have learned from DK1-2, but what about the rest of the games you mention, can we get a little more insite on what you guys have been learned from them and what we can expect from there. :)

Spoonfairy2 karma

Thanks for a really informative answer makes me wanna check out those games as me myself havent played them all yet!

Personal opinion, I dont think he should have a head, because that spoils the mystery about who the mentor is, is he the devil, is he god, is he the ultimate being :P If any face should be on him it should be one that is really unclear and opens up alot of theories crafting and opertunity to fanlore. As this isnt DK there should be alot more doors to open here! But if you guys have a really nice background for the mentor we are all open for hearing your story =)