Highest Rated Comments

SprocketMclean11 karma

Does your book chronicle how he got rich? Was it one piece of information that sort of got him into elite circles, or was it procuring girls or insider trading or what? I mean, it seemed like he started out a regular guy, no fortune.

SprocketMclean1 karma

Do you think the internet, by its very nature, makes sanctions irrelevant? If not war, then sanctions, or else what? Can you even be conservative and still believe in diplomacy?

SprocketMclean1 karma

Why does everyone hate the Kurds so much?

Seriously. Is it just that they want to be their own country, or do they have a mafia, or what?

SprocketMclean1 karma

Oh. They just casually get gassed by Saddam and oppressed by the Turks. Got it.

SprocketMclean1 karma

I mean, the Turks most cited reason for not being able to get into the EU back before Erdogan was human rights abuses against the Kurds, who they treat like the English treated the Scottish or the way the Nazis treated the Polish, both while the lands had been invaded. Or the way Australians treated the aborigines, if you like. But with those three examples the oppressive culture justified its actions in some way other than, "They're stateless so we oppress them. Brutally."