Highest Rated Comments

StarFist512 karma

What are your drinks of choice/brands at a bar?

StarFist50 karma

Maybe /u/Totalymoo can clarify this, as I think there is a misunderstanding.

It seems that /u/co_martsu is perhaps saying that the actual map size itself cannot be increased, but modders will still be able to unlock 25 tiles on those maps if they choose to?

EDIT: Or perhaps she means that while modders can still unlock all 25 tiles, this is simply not something that will be supported by CO?

StarFist10 karma

What's your drink of choice?

StarFist7 karma

So what's next on the list? /u/TotalyMoo mentioned some exciting plans on the horizon. I know you can't talk about them explicitly, but can you give some hint as to what you still want fixed/added in the game?

StarFist6 karma

There seems to be some confusion about one of your answers here:


Will it be possible for modders to unlock all 25 tiles?