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StephanieSarkisPhD37 karma

Call it out when you see it. I just recorded a podcast with a therapist who spoke about Bystander Training - how to intervene when you witness a perpetrator harrassing someone. You stand by the victim, and call the behavior out for what it is. You will never change the gaslighter's mind, but you can speak out the truth. There is power in calling it what it is. I have a chapter on this in the Gaslighting book, and all the other chapters tailor this information for relationships, workplace, society, cults, friends, family. Edit: Just finished mixing the podcast I was referring to: https://anchor.fm/talkingbrains/episodes/Anxiety--Burnout--Tribalism---Taking-Action-e2f7dn

StephanieSarkisPhD37 karma

Caffeine withdrawal, for the lack of a better word, sucks. Caffeine also only helps you focus for 30 minutes at a time. I do not recommend it as a treatment for ADHD. Also, people who take stimulant medication should watch their caffeine intake (talk to your doctor for more info).

StephanieSarkisPhD36 karma

As a person with ADHD myself, stimulant medication makes it so I have access to those coping mechanisms. Without medication, it's like that tool box is harder to open. When stimulant medication is working effectively, you should still have the same personality, just more motivation to complete tasks and a greater ability to employ coping mechanisms. I would recommend a second opinion if you are unsure about treatment. Also ask questions, we really love questions - and if your doctor won't answer your questions, go to another one.

StephanieSarkisPhD26 karma

It's a way to dismiss one's non-ethical behavior.

StephanieSarkisPhD17 karma

Ha, I can relate. Become as politically active as possible. Call out gaslighting when you see it. Back candidates that treat people equally and stand up against the abhorrent behaviors we've witnessed. As my friend Tony said, we all know someone who tends not to vote. Call them and help them register (it may be too late in some states for this election), take them to the polls (Uber is also offering free rides to polling locations), talk to them about how their vote counts. Here's how I spoke out: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2018/10/03/trump-classic-gaslighter-abusive-relationship-america-column/1445050002/