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SteveAgeeHere8 karma

It's great. It's one of my favorite jobs ever. The entire cast is super-nice. One of the producers, Erin O'Malley, was also an executive producer on "The Sarah Silverman Program," so it was great going into that job already knowing people there. And I already knew Jake Johnson before we did the show. So it's just a really friendly environment, and everyone's great. It's really nice. It's a great gig.

SteveAgeeHere7 karma

Uh, yeah.

Sarah's one of my best friends. I've known her for...holy shit, probably 16 years now. And it's always great to work with your friends. That's a dream scenario. As far as funny stories... when I first started hanging out with Sarah, we got really stoned once, and she came up with the brilliant idea that she wanted to repaint her car, by herself. And went to a hardware store, and bought a bunch of sandpaper, and not spray paint, but spray primer. And so we sanded maybe a quarter of her car down, and primer'd it, and got bored and stopped, so for a year or maybe more, she was driving around a really shitty car that looked like she'd just bought it off of a drug addict.

SteveAgeeHere7 karma

I didn't hate anybody at all on the set.

However, there was the sound guy - I think he was German or Austrian - I think he was very nice, but we're shooting one scene where we just buried our friend, and i have to deliver this long monologue/ eulogy, and they wanted to do it right at sundown, so we basically had 5 minutes to do it, and I'm almost to the end of delivering my monologue, and the sound guy yells out "OH SHIT! My battery just died!"

And so then we had to do it again, and we only had one chance to do it. We only had one take after he got his battery changed. But he was very nice.

SteveAgeeHere6 karma

Matt Berry, from The Might Boosh. And Rich Fulcher.

SteveAgeeHere6 karma

Probably soon? It's a lot of fun. The only problem is that they record it on Sunday nights, which is a big TV night for me. But now that Game of Thrones and Silicon Valley are over, I'll probably be there really soon.