Highest Rated Comments

Stooooooopid26 karma

Being a white house correspondent you are one of the few that have a credible opinion on this, would you say the president has lived up to the claim that We're the Most Transparent and Ethical Administration in U.S. History!

Stooooooopid3 karma

Who scored more points on the Mitt Romney tax return thing and why?

Stooooooopid2 karma

The timing of it did feel flat. I would have like to seen the release timed with a demand of Obama's college transcripts. Also the past 10 year of tax returns would have felt more transparent.

Stooooooopid2 karma

I hope you're still around. ChainsawSam's point was he hoped you would do an AMA in the context you are a former EP of the 90's X-Men Cartoon. That cartoon was huge deal for most Redditors (myself included). More redditors would probably be interested in that part of your career.

Stooooooopid1 karma

Thanks for your time Mr Ungar Its great to talk politics with someone who is credible. Unless you are also the Rick Ungar that was an Executive Producer for "X-Men" the animated series I have no more questions.