Highest Rated Comments

Stovokor_X314 karma

Hi Jeff, where do you like to go for holidays ?

Stovokor_X78 karma

  • With regards to developments in Zynga performance and stock price, how did employee perception of the situation change during those periods of time ?
  • Could you elaborate on infamous game copying.
  • What was the culture and expectation like initially, did it then evolve ?

Stovokor_X72 karma

  • what happened after he shot you ?
  • they employ inmates as ambulance drivers ? how does that work exactly.

Stovokor_X15 karma

Hi Brian, what is Intel's strategy in the Cloud and what will be the key differentiators that weed out the winners and losers in this space ?

Stovokor_X6 karma

Awesome !! Congrats on the achievement

  • Why did you choose this route ?
  • Hypothetically if someone beats this record and you decide to go for it again, what would be the 3 things you do differently ?
  • Do you think you became stronger incrementally as you journeyed and built on past experiences like the dogs in Turkey etc helped you in dealing with India.