Highest Rated Comments

StuPac85246 karma

You're a hero for speaking out and exposing this shocking over-expenditure.

My hat goes off to you sir

StuPac8584 karma

Is racism still a thing in the force? You don't hear too much about it these days?

StuPac851 karma

Thanks for doing this, love reading success stories. You seem very happy with life. Stupid Question of the day... Can you swim? Joke aside (I hope you can!), my hat goes off to you! Excellent work!

StuPac851 karma

Is there anything that you don't do ha ha?!? Interesting stuff, i only asked half jokingly because i think i read somewhere that an alarming number of deckhands actually cant swim! Greetings from Birmingham Uk and all the best for the future! 'Wind'speed!

StuPac85-2 karma

UK here. Stay strong.