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Suckassloser131 karma

Have you ever had a look at/played The Room Tribute game put out a Newgrounds a few years back? Funny point and click game that introduced me to The Room!

EDIT spelling

Suckassloser3 karma

Are there plans to have gameplay above ground as hinted by the teaser at the end of DK2?... And well, the title of the game! Personally, I don't think it'll make or break the game, but I'd imagine it'd effect the gameplay quite bit. Apologies if this question is a) obvious b) already answered! Really looking forward to getting this game when it's done

Suckassloser3 karma

Given that the cultist can turn into a 'blood mage' (might've remembered the name wrong!) and the Augre can modify his body with scraps, will there be other interesting creature 'evolutions' and development? With this, will there be different classes of a given creature, and individuals with unique abilities? If so, how might a keeper influence a creatures' class/specialisation - e.g. through skill trees or by what task the keeper has a creature do?

Suckassloser2 karma

How will a keeper acquire minions? You made mention of creatures that dwell underground (such as the oculus) so I assume you come across such creatures during exploration. But as for attracting intelligent ones will there be a level entrance as with DK where creatures appear depending on rooms in the dungeon, along with other means, e.g. through torture, sacrifice etc.? Any new ways of getting creatures?

Suckassloser2 karma

Sounds cool! Thanks for the answer =]