Highest Rated Comments

SynShads19 karma

I know there are plenty of people who grew up and lived in the Soviet Union that completely supported Communism and to this day, would love it if it was back. Were you supportive of the Soviet Union while you were growing up? If so, would you want Communism to make a return?

SynShads5 karma

Chef Bayless, I have two quick questions for you!

  • I absolutely love your churros and make sure to grab one whenever I'm in town, however where I live, the churros just aren't as quality as yours. Is there a recipe of some sort available?

  • Would you ever consider opening a business like Eataly but with Mexican food and ingredients?

SynShads4 karma

Wow, I can't even imagine what it'd be like to not be able to think, I'm sorry you had to go through that. I know in Soviet Russia, they were brainwashed into thinking Lenin and Stalin were both gods among men, each having their own cult of personality. Did they also have this in Belarus? I'm actually taking a class right now on the Soviet Experience and I'm very curious about all of this!

SynShads3 karma

What does work consist of during the normal season and off season? More curious about the offseason, since it sounds like most of your stuff is done during the regular season.