Highest Rated Comments

SynonymForTree2 karma

Do you guys want to stay together and do something after Forced or is this just a one time thing, and if you do, do you want to continue how your doing it, sleep, eating, living in the studios or do you want to turn into a normal developer?

SynonymForTree2 karma

Well good luck to you! I hope you guys can get enough revenue from this to get a proper studio and lives.

SynonymForTree1 karma

Hey Jables

  • Are you and Kyle thinking of doing a second movie? I recommend 'The Drumstick of Power'.
  • Are you planning another album any time soon?
  • Also School of Rock 2, that should definitely be a thing.

Your awesome.

SynonymForTree-9 karma

I thought the title said 'Retarded police captain', I'm disappointed