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TH3_B3AN44 karma

Has there been an incident where you're walking on the street and someone notices the sweat and thinks it's blood?

TH3_B3AN5 karma

What kind of things would you have liked to have added to the Medal of Honor games that never made it in either due to time or resources? Like settings, levels, setpieces, guns, etc that just didn't make the cut or you just ran out of time. Also thank you for doing this AMA, playing Medal of Honor is one of my fondest childhood memories.

TH3_B3AN4 karma

With more weird prototypes, weapons and vehicles from WW2 entering common knowledge, if the games have been made today would they have featured these? If I recall one of the games ends with stealing a prototype German fighter jet so I'd imagine that as long as it was believable, it had a chance of making it in no matter how weird. I could totally picture a MoH game where you'd have to find out how to take out a Maus or a night mission where you have to dodge soldiers and tanks equipped with night vision scopes.

TH3_B3AN2 karma

How far/close is your farm to any kind of town or city? Is it a hassle being that far/close?