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TRBS66 karma

I have a few questions if you don't mind:

  • What was your job at Lockheed? What would be a typical day for you while you were there?
  • You mentioned you would consider coming out of early retirement to work at a private aeronautics company. With your experience, would it be difficult to get hired?
  • As I understand it sounds like you left Lockheed for NASA because you felt that the work you would do at NASA would have more meaning than building aircraft at Lockheed. Is this accurate?

  • A few people I know that used to work with the Canadian Space Agency a few years ago mentioned that many of the engineers at NASA have been there for a long time and will be retiring soon. They described it as being a fairly serious issue for NASA, and are actively looking for young recruits. Would you say this is true?

TRBS14 karma

Do you mean your mom got some kind of GI illness due to fecal contamination?

TRBS8 karma

It's a shame to hear about the discrimination present at Lockheed. Thank you for taking the time to write an answer.

TRBS7 karma

Perhaps you misunderstood me. A cold is not a gastrointestinal (GI) or stomach illness. Also the kind of unsanitary conditions caused by open sewage such as fecal contamination of food or water would not aid in the transmission of the cold.

TRBS7 karma

MATLAB by day, acting by night.